Regional Centers

Chardon, OH

To view a schedule of upcoming livestream masses or to watch previously recorded masses, please click here.

Cleveland, Ohio, was the first US address of the Sisters of Notre Dame when they arrived from Germany in 1874. After 85 years in Cleveland, the SND provincial center moved in 1960 to Chardon, east of Cleveland in Geauga county. The urban, industrial areas of Northeast Ohio around Cleveland, Akron and Youngstown have become a center for health care, higher education, the arts, and home to diverse communities of hard-working people. Here the sisters and associates continue to serve in ministries of education and spiritual growth, especially with women and children on society’s margins.


Chardon, OH News & Events

At SND USA, food service is much more than just providing meals; it’s about building relationships, nurturing connections, and dedication to excellent service. This week, during Pride in Food Service Week (February 3-7, 2025), we…

SND USA Corporate Stance on immigration reform: Immigration Reform is a major area of focus for the sisters. The Corporate Stance states that the issue is complex and that people have the right to seek…

Ministry Highlight: Sr. Kate Hine’s Journey With Zelie’s Home Sister Kate Hine’s path to serving at Zelie’s Home in Garfield Heights, Ohio is a testament to the transformative power of hospitality, compassion, and community—values deeply…

Chardon, OH Contact Details

National Office

Contact: Sister Mary Patricia Teckman

Address: 13000 Auburn Rd. Chardon, OH  44024

Phone: (440) 279-1112

Email: [email protected]

Covington, KY

To join SND Covington, KY Live Mass click here!

Two sisters arrived in Covington, Kentucky in 1874, missioned to teach at the Mother of God parish school. From there SND ministries in the Northern Kentucky region have expanded–with great enthusiasm and community support—from education to health care, child care, young adult ministry and social outreach. The Covington region is known for its unique combination of small-town warmth and worldly amenities, making it a hub for powerful charitable outreach and personal connections. 

Covington, KY News & Events

It is with great pleasure that the Sisters of Notre Dame (SND) and the St. Charles Community (St. Charles) share with you that they have reached a preliminary agreement for an expansion of the St….

Join the SND USA Advent Challenge by following along with our page’s stories each day that will have you praying, reflecting, and participating in your own life and community. Use #SNDAdvent2024 and tag our page…

Marilyn Sue Foltz was born in Park Hills, Kentucky, on December 3, 1944. She was the third of four girls, including her twin sister, Mary Catherine. Her parents, Ralph and Rosina (Sonderman) Foltz, nurtured a beautiful family,…

Covington, KY Contact Details

Regional Office

Contact: Sheila Hemmer

Address: 1601 Dixie Highway, Covington, KY 41011

Phone: (859) 291-2040

Email: i[email protected]

Los Angeles, CA

For more videos of SND Thousand Oaks, CA, head over to our vimeo page here!

Go to California and build a house of love.” With these words, 11 Sisters of Notre Dame were missioned to Los Angeles from Cleveland in 1924. Today, the SNDs and Associates minister in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, home to 4.3 million Catholics in 300 parishes, with Sunday Eucharist celebrated in 42 languages. Southern California is synonymous with diversity—beaches, aerospace, immigrants, entertainment media, mountains, technology, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, deserts—and each of these realities also represents an opportunity to radiate God’s goodness and provident care. A true house of love.

Los Angeles, CA News & Events

Two SNDs visited this month as the conclusion of their study of English. Sr. Lidwina Gasmi from Indonesia (on the left) and Sr. JaHun Kim from South Korea (on the right) sang their gratitude, accompanied…

On Friday, January 10, 15 Sisters of Social Service were in danger and so they evacuated from their home in Encino to Notre Dame Center in Thousand Oaks. Indeed, it was our privilege to offer…
January, 2025 will long remain in the memories of those of us who live in Southern California! The raging wildfires, ready evacuations, loss of life, news of displaced relatives and friends, disruptive power outages, smoke-filled…

Los Angeles, CA Contact Details

Regional Office

Contact: Sister Mary Rebekah Kennedy

Address: 1776 Hendrix Avenue, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Phone: (805) 496-3243

Email: [email protected]

Toledo, OH

For more information on SND Toledo, OH Ministries, head over to our information page here!

 In 1876, the Sisters of Notre Dame traveled to St John the Evangelist Parish in Delphos, Ohio to begin the cornerstone foundation of the future Toledo Region. It was there that our foundress, Sister Maria Aloysia Wolbring ministered. Other affiliations soon were established and in 1924, the Toledo Region was formed. Today, the pioneer spirit of our Delphos sisters lives on in the sisters of the Toledo Region. In education, parish ministry, community service, justice and peace work, and in spirituality, the Sisters of Notre Dame and our Associates continue to incarnate God’s goodness and provident care where the need is greatest. We are SND PROUD!

Toledo, OH News & Events

Join the SND USA Advent Challenge by following along with our page’s stories each day that will have you praying, reflecting, and participating in your own life and community. Use #SNDAdvent2024 and tag our page…
Thank you for being a part of the mission of the Sisters of Notre Dame of the United States in 2024. See the impact of your support!…

On Sunday, November 10th, the Sisters of Notre Dame hosted a special Mass at Gesu Catholic Church in Toledo, Ohio, to celebrate their 150th anniversary in the United States. The gathering brought together sisters, associates,…

Toledo, OH Contact Details

Regional Office

Contact: Sister Alice Marie Willman

Address: 1656 Henthorne Dr. Suite 200, Maumee OH, 43537

Phone: (419) 474-5485

Email: [email protected]