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California Legacy Brochure

With profound gratitude to our good and provident God, the Sisters of Notre Dame are honored to share our legacy in California, a legacy that began on August 30, 1924. Eleven sisters arrived in Los Angeles on that date, beginning a new chapter in our congregational history. The original name of Los Angeles was “The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels of Porciúncula.” And so relying on Mary, patroness of our congregation, they came to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed. Little did they know all that would await both them and the community in the days and years to follow.

In reflecting on this landmark event, there are many spiritual characteristics of the pioneers that come to mind. First, they were incredibly courageous in taking the risk to come to Los Angeles. With profound generosity, they left behind all that was familiar to them in Ohio. Their total gift of self to God through their vows, their devotion to the SND community, and their passion to spread the Gospel—provided strength for their journey. And finally, I would add missionary zeal. As Sr. Mary Walburge Schmitt admitted, “I had previously volunteered to go to China or India, so I didn’t think California was really too far way.”

This story reveals how powerful was the influence and assistance of our earliest partners. Laity and clergy facilitated our call to mission to Watts and Huntington Park. Your partnership with us has been a treasured aspect of our lives throughout these 100 years. As ministry colleagues, students and others entrusted to our care, Associates, volunteers, donors, and friends—each of you has been an incredible blessing to us. You are our living legacy. We are humbled to call you friends and we promise our daily prayer for you and everyone you carry in your hearts—all the days of our lives.

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