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A faithful friend, a sturdy shelter, a rare treasure

With gratitude to Lucy Shiffrin

a faithful friend…a sturdy shelter…a rare treasure

Ecclesiasticus 6:14

The Sisters of Notre Dame offer their heartfelt gratitude to SND Associate Lucy Shiffrin for her generosity to the community.  Lucy became acquainted with the SNDs when she enrolled at Notre Dame Academy High School in 1958 and over the years, she was a faithful friend both to the sisters and to all who knew her.  When she died on Dec. 24, 2022, friends left internet tributes that summarize her many gifts as a friend:  she “was thoughtful, bright, welcoming, helpful, supportive without reservations…she made others feel like family and gave her love in abundance.” 

Professionally, Lucy was an elementary teacher in several Catholic schools in the Los Angeles area.

Upon retirement, she was a substitute teacher and a volunteer tutor.  She was particularly enthusiastic about her certification through the Bible Study Institute of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and she participated in Bible study at St. Paul the Apostle Parish in West Los Angeles.  She was also a choir member at St. Paul’s for more than 25 years.

Lucy was a member and officer in the Culver City Emblem Club #254.  Her concern for others corresponded to the Emblem Club goals of providing assistance for the hearing-impaired and veterans.

In 2004, Lucy became an Associate of the Sisters of Notre Dame and in 2015, she wrote a testimonial about this experience:  “I have known the Sisters for over 57 years, as teachers, colleagues, and as friends. Sr. Betty Mae Bienlein, my principal at St. Helen’s School, invited me to become an Associate, to deepen my relationships with God and the community.  This conversation struck a ‘heart chord’ with me…  As an Associate, I have enjoyed retreats, fellowship weekends, book studies, membership on the Associate Core Team and community activities. My spiritual journey and outreach to others have been strengthened through many awesome blessings.”

Lucy’s final generosity to the Sisters of Notre Dame is yet another example of her life as a faithful friend, a sturdy shelter and a rare treasure. 

Membership in the Wolbring Legacy Society is offered to those individuals who include the Sisters of Notre Dame in their estate plans.  The only requirement is a written confirmation of the donor’s intent to make a planned gift.  Membership may remain anonymous if the donor so chooses.  We would be honored to welcome you into the Wolbring Legacy Society, giving us the chance to thank you personally.  Please be assured of our prayerful good wishes, now and always.

For further information, you can visit our Planned Giving Website.

California Region Contact:
Sr. Lisa Megaffin, S.N.D.
1776 Hendrix Avenue
Thousand Oaks, CA  91360
805-917-3714 or [email protected]

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