Celebrating 100 Years of SND presence in California!

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Los Angeles on August 30, 1924. What marvels our good God has done! As we reflect on the schools, parishes and outreach where we have ministered, our hearts are filled with gratitude and joy. In particular, we thank our friends, colleagues, donors and partners in mission. Be assured that we carry you and all those entrusted to our care in our hearts and in our prayers. This page will continue to be updated throughout 2024 as events are planned to celebrate this occasion. 

Grand Centennial Celebration

With gratitude to God, the Sisters of Notre Dame celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving 
with Archbishop Jose Gomez, Presider. 

Relive the memories of the day, view the livestream recording below.

Prayer for the Centennial

Provident God, with grateful hearts we praise you for the 100 years that
the Sisters of Notre Dame have served the people of California.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas,
help us to embrace the faith, compassion and justice which you taught.
As a community of friends in Jesus, may we bring hope to our world,
and may we all one day be united in the joys of heaven.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Christ.

Please continue to check this webpage for further information and updates in the coming year. For more information, please contact Sr. Lisa Megaffin at [email protected]

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