Two SNDs visited this month as the conclusion of their study of English. Sr. Lidwina Gasmi from Indonesia (on the left) and Sr. JaHun Kim from South Korea (on the right) sang their gratitude, accompanied by Sr. Kharita Kuil in the center.
They have been in the United States since August, learning about American culture while also developing their linguistic proficiency. During their stay in Southern California, they had the chance to tour Santa Barbara, Ventura, Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral, and the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, among other places of interest. Follow this link for a summary of their stay in the United States as posted on the congregational website. They wrote: “In addition to learning English, we now have a deeper understanding of SND’s mission and ministry worldwide. We are grateful to the congregation for this opportunity and to the American sisters for their welcome and friendship. How good God is!”