Celebrating California’s 2023 Jubilarians

Sr. Anna Maria Vasquez, 50 Years

When I was a sophomore at Notre Dame Academy, I sensed an unidentifiable gnawing at my heart. Then one day when I was in the NDA chapel, I found a leaflet containing Francis Thomson’s poem, “The Hound of Heaven.” The line, “I am he whom thou seekest,” caught my attention. This reassured me that God knew I was seeking, and was calling me to something. I was also very drawn to Psalm 139, which impressed upon me how intimately God knew me. These experiences set a direction for my life, but I didn’t tell anyone then.. I told God, “I’m too young! I’ll make a decision when I’m 21.” After graduation, I took business classes and went to work. Several years later, when layoffs were pending at my place of employment, I knew the time for a decision had arrived. I entered the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1970 – I was 21 years old.

What I love most is my sense of belonging, and the support of my sisters. I love being a member of an international congregation, which has given me opportunities to visit and know our sisters in Brazil, Germany and Rome. We are one, even though we have cultural differences.

Sr. Teresita Keliher, 60 Years

My particular ministry began as a primary grade educator guiding young children and inspiring them to achieve their best potential.  Later, moving on to religious education programs broadened my encounter with children from public schools. The next stage of my journey led me into parish ministry as a pastoral associate. This gave me so many opportunities to work together with people to further liturgical and educational opportunities. The past decade has given me the privilege of working with the RCIA, accompanying adults on their faith journey into the Catholic church.

So many people have touched my life – my family, my community of sisters and my many co-workers.  The sisters have always been an inspiration for me of dedication, with a world-wide perspective.

Sr. Luellen Boeglin, 65 Years

My 7th and 8th grade teachers, SM Lenore Bott and SM Anthony Lesche, guided the beginnings of my journey toward religious life. In religion classes we learned about the meaning of “vocation,” whether to the married, single or religious state of life. When these Sisters spoke to us about their vocation, they were always gracious, never forceful, just sharing their love for their religious life as Sisters of Notre Dame and their ministry of teaching. They inspired me with the belief that I might be interested in such a life. It seemed that a special blessing or grace came over me when we talked about religious life.

When I was a ND Aspirant and high school student at NDA, my principal, Sr. Luke Arnts, and one of my teachers, Sr. Louise Wanamaker, nurtured my spiritual growth and inspired me to speak with them about my desire to enter religious life.  I became a ND postulant on Feb. 2, 1956, during my senior year of high school.

Sr. Mary Ann Hanson, 65 Years

When I was in 8th grade at St. Lawrence School, I played first base on the girls’ softball team. After a game one day, Sr. Sirana Kirchner, the principal, asked me, “how would you like to change uniforms next year?”  She then invited me to consider becoming a Notre Dame aspirant as a freshman at Notre Dame Academy. I did become an aspirant, and I entered the Sisters of Notre Dame as a postulant in February of my senior year.

An important mentor during my senior year at Notre Dame Academy was Sr. Joel Upmeier, who encouraged my religious vocation. My parents also encouraged and supported me with their prayers, letters, phone calls and visits.

What I love most are the spiritual treasures of God’s grace that are so readily available to me through prayer, Mass and Communion. Not everyone has as easy access to these treasures as I do. I also cherish the companionship and encouragement of my Sisters.

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