Cheers to Clean Water in Uganda

For a very long time we have been struggling with drinking water for children because of constantly buying aqua safe tablets which I believe may not be healthy for children’s health. Even that water would be put in containers whereby children used different containers to draw water in the buckets making the water dirty hence causing typhoid among children. I thank God for Hilton foundation that gave us a grant for water purification system, as of now children are drinking safe water and this has helped our sanitation improve. We no longer hustle for tablets to treat water. I find the water filters easy to use and time is saved and water is readily available. When a child leaves home to go to school, expectation is learning and not worrying about  drinking clean water. We dearly thank God for his love and goodness for providing us safe water through the generous support of Hilton fund.

Students Celebrate the Gift of Clean Water!

The water project is going to help more than 1500 people in Buseesa and Mpala community where our formation is. The system was installed at St. Julie Model Primary school both in the staff room, dinning, sickbay and kitchen. St. Julie Nursery school also benefited from the same project and the Nursery has 180 children as of now. Notre Dame Academy with more than 300 students and teachers, are getting the water from the same project as well as Sister’s convent, Formation house in Buseesa, Formation house in Mpala and the Parish community.

Before getting  water purification system, Many children used to get sick of typhoid and going home was the mode of the day. Cooks would try to treat water but sometimes due to a busy schedule, water would not be properly treated and Parents would be constantly called to take children at home for treatment and care due to typhoid. At the moment children are happy at school and many problems of sickness and going home have been reduced and children are learning well and they are happy.

Thank you to Sr. Rozaria, local superior in Buseesa, for sharing her story with our donors. To support the incredible mission of our sisters in East Africa and enhance their impact, visit our donate page and select “Global Missions”.

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