Several experiences encouraged Judie and Gary Tetzlaff to pursue Association with the SNDs. First, they became involved in the Nun Run through the Knights of Columbus. “I walked/ran with a few of the SNDs and enjoyed hearing about their mission” Judie recalls. “Then I observed Sr. Louise Hlavac helping at the Nun Run, transporting items in the pouring rain with a broken umbrella. There she was, with a wet skirt, half-opened umbrella and a smile on her face. It was evident that she was doing God’s work.” The couple were also inspired by a fellow St. Jude’s catechist, SND Associate Nora Howells. For Judie, however, her most important influence has been Gary, “the guiding light leading me towards Association with the SNDs. He encourages me to read more Scripture and pray on a regular basis.”
SND Associate Candidate Patricia Guzman first became acquainted with the SNDs through her friendship with SND Associate Sherry Reynolds. They met via the 8:00 am daily Mass at Padre Serra Church in Camarillo. Patricia and Sherry connected right away, because Sherry had previously visited Patricia’s birthplace, the town of Morelia, Mexico. They eventually started a Spanish class at Padre Serra, and during their time together, Sherry told Patricia about the SNDs, inviting her to learn more about them through the process of Associate formation. Patricia was inspired by the charism and spirituality of the SNDs, especially their love and dedication to help and empower youth, women and poor children.