Leadership Conference for Women Religious Assembly 2024 Livestream Prayer 8/16

Livestream: Who Then Shall We Be?
A Completive Prayer to the World
Friday, August 16, 2-3 p.m. ET

“Who Then Shall We Be?” is a livestreaming prayer service taking place at the Leadership Conference for Women Religious (LCWR) Assembly in Orlando, Florida. We are inviting you to join in prayer with women religious across the country.

LCWR is an association of the leaders of congregations of Catholic women religious in the United States. LCWR includes 1300 members, from 302 religious congregations who represent approximately 35,000 women religious in the United States. 

The visionary leadership and relationship-building of women religious has long drawn many people to look to these women of faith in times of crisis. For years they have been building and running hospitals, schools, and other social justice ministries and being witnesses and bearers of the Gospel message. 

This prayer service will draw many people into the contemplative prayer of women religious as they bring to light the suffering of the world – particularly the realities of climate change, racism, migration, and polarization and their intersection.

As Sisters of Notre Dame, we are committed to building a more compassionate world and want to share with others the ways we are finding to do this. We believe that by educating, advocating, working for the common good, and the small acts of generosity and love we perform all contribute to the work of helping shape human consciousness.

This may be a different prayer experience for some people, but it is a call to listening (by being silent), observing (visual prayer), and slowing our hearts and minds to notice the world around us.  

We hope that as many people as possible will choose to participate, thus increasing the power of unity across the country.

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