SHINE Recap 2022

The Sisters of Notre Dame hosted their first annual SHINE Women’s Summit Thursday, September 29 at the Valentine Theatre. The event brought women from all faiths and backgrounds together to SHINE: Support, Honor, Inspire, Nurture, and Empower one another.  

Around 250 women were in attendance to hear a keynote conversation and local panel discussion. The keynote conversation was led by long-time Toledo broadcaster, Chrys Peterson, and featured Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha- a pediatrician and whistleblower of the Flint, Michigan water crisis. Dr. Attisha discussed the challenges she faced and how she overcame them in her fight to shine a light on the dangerous effects of the water on the public.

The panel discussion, also led by Peterson, highlighted inspiring stories of four Toledo-area women, including Wendi Huntley: the President of Connecting Kids to Meals, Sr. Suzette Fisher, who has spent 30 years working both locally and internationally to support mothers and children affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders; Toledo Fire Chief Allison Armstrong, the first female fire chief for the city of Toledo, and Amy Remer: a three-time cancer survivor, amputee advocate, and motivational speaker.

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