SND USA 2023 Magazine Editions
Catch up on all the top news stories from 2023. Past issues of the SND USA magazine are archived here on the website. You can also catch up on any regional news you may have missed along the way.
Find more past issues in the Magazine Archive.
Los Angeles, CA
Associates and Sisters of Notre Dame are making an impact across Southern California. The annual Nun Run was one highlight that brought together students, donors, and community partners in support of the ministries of the Sisters of Notre Dame. 2024 marks 100 years in Southern California. Save the date for our 10th annual Nun Run on February 3, 2024 and our Centennial Festivities on August 31, 2024.
Read more news from the California Region.
Covington, KY
On July 4, 2023, the community celebrated the 101st Sisters of Notre Dame Festival in Covington, KY. Women’s Retreats, Lenten and Advent days of prayer and service, and Associate fellowship marked another faith-filled and joyous year in Northern Kentucky. Support for the SND Mission in East Africa also continued.
Read more news from the Covington Region here.
Chardon, OH
The Chardon, OH region celebrated its 61st SND Chicken BBQ & Boutique on Sunday, September 24, 2023. Friends, family, and alumni from various sponsored institutions came together for friendship, food, and the celebration of the impact of SNDs in the Chardon and Cleveland areas of Ohio. Highlights in 2023 also included Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation service and advocacy opportunities as well as in-person retreats and meetings on the SND campus.
Read more news from the Chardon Region here.
Toledo, OH
The second SHINE Women’s Summit brought women of all ages, faiths, and backgrounds together to support, honor, inspire, nurture, and empower each other. The summit launched a community-wide movement that will continue to help women shine in Northwest Ohio and beyond called the SHINE Coalition. Toledo area Sisters and Associates were active in serving the community through various outreach initiatives and collaborations.
Read more news from the Toledo Region here.